Will I be satisFIVED?

Sunday, September 23, 2012

So.... iPhone 5... What's more exciting bout it in my network of peers, friends and family? That whether I am getting one or not?.... Answer is......NO MONEY LA..... I POOR..... ™! haha

I let videos do the talking..... and you figure it out..... haha

I love this feature!!!! =D

Gotta love the toughness..... LOL

Public Holidays Malaysia 2015 and beyond!!!

Click here to subscribe it on your Calendar app for your Mac devices dear Mac Users!

Addicted on Panorama iOS6

Thursday, September 20, 2012

*shot of my workplace*

Panorama.... Apple made it simple for idiots.... Seriously loving this feature that I'm Panoramaing everything..... haha LOVE LOVE LOVE

Panorama works on iPod Touch 5, iPhone 5, iPhone 4S

Erica Law!!!!!!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

That ass!!!
That smile!!!
just melt looking at her...and jizz too!!!

I wanttt!!!!!!!!

Music Video

Behind the scenes

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Follow her at Instagram(ericalaw22) HERE

more of ERICA LAW(Tumblr)
