I'm still ALIVE!!!!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

say my blog in sadness....

Sorry I outgrown the shyt out of you.... but I won't let you die totally.

Okay.... what about life?....

Let's start with myself

Job is fine... work has been okay.... customers has been a little crazy.... dealing with it.... happy happy sad FUCKING PISSED!

Still on the dry season.... Dang it

Investment has been doing well for the first time in 4 years.....dangerous though... I ALL-IN into an O&G counter called Daya Materials.... lots of good news from their side.... hoping to play this long term than my usual hit and run method.... used to make hundreds in that... but now..... by the thousands..... What's the secret?..... Penny Stock and Volume. Seriously. Yea playing blue chip stock is safe and steady.... but how much can you make?

Simple logical example:

Assuming you have 30k in hand

Blue chip stock
$10.00 per share

30,000 / 10.00 =  3,000 shares

Penny stock
$0.30 per share

30,000 / .0.30 = 100,000 shares


let's look if both stocks went up 10 cents

Blue chip stock
0.10 x 3,000 = 300

Penny stock
.10 x 100,000 = 10,000

So yeah.... see? Volume makes...... but of course penny stocks are usually more volatile compared to safer blue chips... So yeah..... High risk.... high returns.... think about it.... think hard... whether are you willing to take risk and can you cope with risks. Important thing is that you gotta read read read....

As for Daya which I have lots of faith in personally.... here are some links

Other than that... life is fine.... the Apple addiction is still there though.... Just gotten myself the 2013 Airport Extreme.... it's reaching on Monday.... will update you guys on the performance after the latest Airport Express is a total letdown....

I'm still tryna let go my Macbook Air... check it, share it

I have been on betas for both 10.9 Mavericks and iOS 7...... worst beta start ever!!!! previous years beta started off stable.... this time around... took a slow start... especially the iOS7 on the iPad..... hanged several times...... fucking nonsense!... other than that.... I kinda like the fresh change, given I started using iOS 1.1 since late 2007... App icons are flat now.... so yea..... 3rd parties like Whatsapp and all....when are you guys gonna start flatting your app icons =P

As for Mavericks....I've been using it more on my iMac...hence I don't feel much..... I think it suppose to be the OS that really save battery life as OS nowadays really focus on mobility

Oh well..... =P

She could make it.....

Saturday, August 10, 2013

