iPhone 6 & 6 Plus Malaysia (Pre-Post-GST)

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

So...It's been 4 months since the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus was launched in Malaysia.

Given the recent CPO price crash and the strengthening of the USD... The price of the phones has increased O.o . I wonder what GST would do to the price after this?... given SST will be removed and be replaced with GST

Anyways the initial price of the iPhones were
iPhone 6
16GB     RM 2,349   ---   RM 2,549
64GB     RM 2,749   ---   RM 2,949
128GB   RM 3,149   ---   RM 3,349

iPhone 6 Plus
16GB     RM 2,749   ---   RM 2,949
64GB     RM 3,149   ---   RM 3,349
128GB   RM 3,549   ---   RM 3,749

iPhone 6
16GB     RM 2,549 ---  RM 2,702 (RM 153 GST)
64GB     RM 2,949 --- RM 3,126 (RM 177 GST)
128GB   RM 3,349 --- RM 3,550 (RM 201 GST)

iPhone 6 Plus
16GB     RM 2,949 --- RM 3,126 (RM 177 GST)
64GB     RM 3,349 --- RM 3,550 (RM 201 GST)
128GB   RM 3,749 --- RM 3,974 (RM 225 GST)

iPhone price on Apple Online Store (Updated)

U Mobile is the recent Telco getting the iPhone 6.
Notice the selling price which is lower than Apple Online store.***
The subsidised price is the one in ORANGE when you sign a plan 

***The microcredit plan has an interest rate based on your income, from 0.87% to 1.5%
Payment period can be from 12, 24 or 30 months... Longer you take... more you pay.
Interest may go up close to (RM 1,000 comparing from the Umobile Microcredit selling price, bout RM 600 if compared with Apple Online Store's RRP) over a 30months period at 1.5%

Trade in Price for a 4s for only RM 160? Fuck you long long la UMobile... LOL

