The meaning behind the Ink

Sunday, September 20, 2009


This tattoo was initially planned out earlier this year as a 21st birthday present to myself... and picking a design was hard. That's why my MSN name was "wake me up when September Ends". I wanted to do it in October but I brought it forward 2 weeks :D

Finally I had a solid reason to have the tattoo done as I survived a fatal car crash.... Not only that God saved me but he also saved my friend. I believe God is always there for us, just that He doesn't spoon feed us so that we can live an easy life. Not only I have the chance to drive or go partying again.... I have MY LIFE. If I were a passerby, I would say the people in that car are dead meat. Pray all you want, but do remember not to be a hypocrite in what you do. I may not be a strong Christian, attending church every Sabbath day but I know the LORD saved me from that crash.... I really would've been dead! God is always fair in what He does... well at most times, if everything went YOUR way.... how is the life given to you any fun anymore?...

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