
Monday, September 17, 2007

When we sacrifice for it too much that we have to understand their situation when try to ask a favour? Of course we're not looking for a return, but people like us tend o be stepped over because of our too-nice-ness...

Best picture of example we can take is when Jesus sacrifices himself on the cross for us. What he asks in return is for the people to believe in him...did he get it from everyone that knew that Jesus died on the cross for them? They might go like...ala....He's a forgiving God....He'll understand....

What makes you think that God as the ultimate patience on you? He sacrifice for us....and some of us gives him like "He'll understand"

K K..back to humans...imagine you sacrifices something for someone....and just so happen you wanna ask a favour that day....that person can...but doesn't want to...but gives you excuses saying you should understand...Well I'm no God...and I don't have patience like he does...He created emotions in my best guess is that he also does have emotions...

God had been so patient with the world...why can't the people stop with the understanding line and sacrifies back some for the Lord.....Start small...start with the brother or sister who sacrificed for you...

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1 comment:

Cassie said...

the Lord's mercy and grace is ever there...but yea,ppl tend to take advantage of that,and yet He stills forgive and give us a clean slate everytime.

don't beat yourself up for having emotions..or being frustrated with long as you have done your part,you're perfectly fine =)

