White Isn't Always Clean

Monday, September 03, 2007

The Bush...
The Brits...

Just because your currency is so big....you tend to step others who are under you?
You think whatever you do is right?
You think you can take care of the world?
You are just the biggest picture compared to my situation that I'm facing in the land that I live.

You want people to bow to you...listen to you and be like you....not terrorizing anything...
but excuse me....but does the word opposition means terrorism in a politician mind?
Tell me...you don't want these people to exist cause you all are Fucking Lazy Bastards that detest challenge. Bad news is that you pass it on to the people who lives and support you too.

The Blacks, the Brown, the Orients....talk and act like you now....Well done....you're the biggest scale examples of the world. Be proud...continue bombing.....Lucky Blair wasn't stupid enough to keep following your tail.

Enough of the Americans...
Lets look at the Brits....
Invade and made mess in many countries....and I still don't understand why we look up to them?*sports is an exception*
These people are afraid of the Japs!!...we're just small Asian....you came in and try to start something new but you brought rubbish to the nations...steal people's spices and you said so long in their land...

This doesn't mean I look up to the warriors that kill the Brits...
but at least, they free me from them.....just to bad people like this warriors are long gone...unlike the present, they deteriorate.

Go on look up to them...dream to be like them....talk like them....
PEOPLE like you are fucking lalang!!!! Be yourself...

Easy to say...
HARD to practice...
because when you can't be beat them...you join them...

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