Stupid, Horny or Flirtatious?

Friday, September 14, 2007

That's what the many have been labeling over Disney's hot actress Vanessa Hudgens who recently took obscene pictures of herself...Apparently think she wants to get her boyfriend wanting her more rather than just a duet with her in a movie....Sloppy sloppy move by a upcoming chick actress!!! I wonder what Troy must have felt....jeez...your gals photo is on the internet nude?...I think she's.....retarded to do that? Forget the part where she got young fans looking up to her...but I don't think any gal friends would send their naked pictures to me....jeez....maybe not in Malaysia....*maybe the DESPO(S)*

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*melts...she is hot...=D*

Good job to the 3rd party person who received it...haha*you must be one hell of a stalker!!*
Other comments? do head over to the blogs that have it...

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