Time to put it out

Friday, September 07, 2007

Since namewee has gone all out about the facts on Malaysia, *though he shouldn't do it*
Well....the public sector slow snail disease has spread all over the private sector. I'm not a big fan of running errands myself, but when I had to....it was the longest day of my life.

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The number was so near but service was yet so far. Those "Malaysian" employees behind the counter are taking their own sweet time doing their damn work. C'mon, this is a private sector bank.....not the FUCKING immigration! so please step up on your work!!

Making things worst for my day would be waiting for the public transport. The Rapid KL is damn inconsistent and the Mini bus I got on was very unsafe....it feels like India....desperate to get somewhere....anything will do. The bus which are operating for urban transport are really unsafe....not to mention about the long transit buses that most of the time land time off the road...stupid bus drivers or stupid bus company or stupid authorities?

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