Monkey Say...Monkey Finally Do...

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

*Ah shyts... can't see my Paul Frank!!!!!*

Did errands, updated my banking stuffs than head on to Machines....and I actually reached "work" at 10 am... OMG-ness. Spend time with my colleagues, breakfast-ed with JoReuben and Tracy. Did 2 sales today.... Bose SoundDock and iPod Classic 80GB Black.

O...bout the monkey say monkey do title...haha... finally I treat my friend makan at Italiannies....and the lucky peeps are.... haha.... Sarah and Kabil. Hmmm, notice something between them though... *winks*
it was a nice tell all session. We laughed shared and S & K got shocked bout stories I've shared... heh heh... Daniel is still Daniel. My credits still rockets k peeps...keke

Other than that.... I've got this..... take a look!

*wtf!?!?!?? Heart Shaped Garlic Cheese Naan*
Hey A-neh...wanna lafaz cinta sama gua ka?....swt???? giler nan-de!

*looks like Japan....but this is what you see around Subang Jaya recently... NICE*

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