Ramadan Month is Where

Thursday, October 11, 2007

you can do stupid PARIAH things and not get pushed for it....well at least in Malaysia...I'm not dissing the religion and all....I know it's the holy month but are the really fasting? r just for the sake of it? many people I know don't fast anymore...

It doesn't apply to the Malays only...but all....seriously...Ramadan is where it get the worst cause people park where the FUCK they like without even bothering that they might be obstructing traffic...all they want is their food...

C'mon, here you are fasting in the holly month but you people are doing shyt like that...Then what's the use of it?....Well....when the Malays can do it...So others like Chinese and Indians will go...."they can, why we cannnot? can la...Malaysia Boleh ma....apa apa pun boleh"

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*See that rich PARIAH Double parking...He couldn't give shyt though he nows that he is obstructing traffic....I think he also park in the disable parking lot..MENTALLY DISABLED BASTARD!!!*

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*WGW 6282...ya that's thePariah!!!....10minutes and still obstructing traffic!!!*

It really shows the ugly part of Malaysian of the TIDAK APA attitude...This should be the biggest and most important task for our Prime Minister....CHANGE THE FUCKING MINDSET OF OUR MALAYSIANS!!!...

Lastly....who on Earth invented double parking or triple parking? readers around the world...please drop a comment if your country does this crap too....

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