Wish I was.....American!!!!

Friday, January 25, 2008

An American who lives in America of course not in stupid 3rd world Malaysia. In MacWorld Keynote Address 2008, Steve Jobs has previewed so much that Apple has to offer in 2008

That event happened in the 2nd week of 2008 and he said:

"It's only the first TWO weeks of 2008......we have 50 more to go"

walau....best line so far this 2008 =D

Anyways...What am I envy of?

First is the jaw dropping new Google Maps on the iPhone/iPod Touch
iTunes Movie Rental *which only in America and to go international soon(the 21 listed countries, STUPID MALAYSIA not included)*

Which comes to my main point...iTunes Store is not AVAILABLE here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! stupid Malaysia...stupid Piracy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! siapa salah? the person leading the country la!!!!

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