Because of You...Keranamu

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

tanah tumpahnya darahku,
rakyat hidup bersatu dan maju,
rahmat bahagia Tuhan kurniakan,
Raja kita selamat bertakhta,
rahmat bahagia Tuhan kurniakan,
Raja kita selamat bertakhta

It's typed out okay readers...not copy paste wan ok...haha
but I was unsure of the spelling of "bertakhta" so I checked and Wikipedia to compare,

Some other websties spelled it as "bertahta"
kinda confused bout it...keke

okok..back to the main point of the special post which is dedicated to the land that I've lived on for 17 years and 9 months...Its been kind to me so far despite the downside of it such as the crime rate.

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Songs were sang during high school days and we as students were patriotic decorating our school and class. I still remember the days where we even painted the colours of the Malaysia flag on the fan. It was so nice singing and shouting "Jalur Gemilang","Merdeka" and "KeranaMu" during assembly (coz we don't know the rest of the lyrics...haha). The patriotic days was on for years, it happened for a reason and that reason is to build a patriotic community. Those were the days...I really miss it!

As for college this year...Man college students aren't patriotic at all... even the college, it wasn't well decorated (what a shame!!!) They only put up flags at the front gate and only ONE lecturer hang the flag in his room. Other than that, it's just another month in college. How sad...

Anyways...Happy Independence Day Malaysia!!! it's alsmost 50 years!!!! but this year is 49 years la...haha. 31% off on Baskin Robbin ice-cream!!!! go get it kayz!!!haha

Coincidently...this is my 31st post for my blog...haha....

Life is cooly Uncool

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Damn you shyt, you really pluck my nerves, you think you're so great, fucking freak, look at yourself,babi,bodoh,celaka,puki,pundek,stupid!!!!!!!!

Seldomly get along, think of you, balance my day, step your feet, kick my feet, fight alot, talk alot, critic alot, boo hoo....without you I won't be me.

Beautiful, gone so long, miss you microscopicly, wrong crowd to mix, dilemma, lost, crush, pretty, nuinsance, small boy

Emo, nice person, knows to listen, knows to talk, knows everythin that I want from a girl, lacks some stuffs though, cool, unsure at times, smart...

Still sharp shooting (3S)

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Man, its been ages since I played a futsal match at the court area across my living area till my heart beats faster before the match starts. It's no special game but its a daily game where guys prove themselves worthy people though gals ain't watching. I was finally in a steady team with my old skul buddy Garrett. was so tensing, I lack the skills already since everyone is improving so much. At least I'm still sharp in front of goal..keke, don't mind how many I scored but I still scored. Left footer is improving very much and my right foot is badly slacking.

Well, I'm off to game soon...haha...why did I blog this? hmmm, someone got bored and need to read something. Adding to that, it's just for's been awhile since I blog about soccer...haha.

Feet Size 7, Heart Size 10, Face Age 12

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Finally I got fed up with my mom's nagging and got a haircut. It's so short now that I look so much younger now that I'm stil nicknamed the Underage. Can't believe it...I'm 18 soon....not so soon though but soon!!!

Last month I got a friend's mom saying that I look like a 12 years old but it's a common age people say I'll be (especially when they look at the photo in my nametag...haha). I even got 15 & 16 years old. crap....

Well, at least I look young!!! (can still tackle high school gals!!!!pedofilic....) but it's hard to date elder gals...sad part wei... take a look at the photo below...

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(look so lala...haha,compare this photo with my other photos...keke)

And recently, my friend's dad saw me...guess what??? I do look like 18 according to him but...he said I look sweet....lord....keke...I have that clean image!!! Thats actually good... I do give adults good first impressions.

Randomly Life...

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Watching Chloe in Smallville writing for the Torch is so cool...with her skill of finding anything and writing anything. Not long after that, I find myself in the college editorial board and I'm loving my job as much as Chloe enjoys hers.

Yes I have issues with the editors sometimes but we do get along on professional work compared to some other President that goes M.I.A. I love writing for the college magazine...I'm fully committed I can say though it's hard!!! Glad to have you as Editor wei(its been a pleasure and stress working with you) know who you are la. Friends in Random are so random, I even get to know more nice people like my blogging sifu (Darn...Your post is so touching today!)

College life has been fun, playing video call with Izzat is fun because we both have 3G...haha
ain't that cool? Exams are near and presentations are nearer...I'm so busy but I'm kinda loving the stress sometimes, it helps me not to think about crappy stuffs...
It's getting late and DAMN IT!!! ARSENAL DRAW!!!!! sad la.....wanna cry myself to sleep la...nitez readers

Toy Boy?

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Why is it someone must touch me in college everyday? To make things worst, I'm also hit my many people...even being nicknamed the Flubber.

During the first semester it wasn't bad because only my classmate lay their hands on me. But now...IT'S GETTING OUT OF HAND...everyone in college just has to touch or whack me...even LECTURERS....

I can say I certify myself as those Hasbro soft toys you people find in Toys R US where the "try me" sticker is stick all over me.

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not only physical trauma I go through but even mental trauma as SEGi is really full of half shitty people who don't know how to care about people's feelings. Damn it I know you people are "professional", good and all but don't you think those so called good side of you people has just taken up space for your humane self?

You all are animal you don't even know of...

By the way...having a 3G phone is so cool although I don't have the front camera...haha...I spend my credit video calling my friend to know where he is...DAMN its super cool. It really hard to find days like this where REAL friends can really take my mind off things.

New friends are the best where they get to know who we really are...can't believe that my poems still can melt a person's heart despite the age.

What I really feel about life at this very point?
It's a funny my friends who entertain all are the bestie(S)

Sound that sooths the Heart...

Monday, August 14, 2006

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Finally I got it!!!'s in my hands....the Nokia 6233 !!!....

But first of all, I really wanna say that I still miss my old phone....don't know where it'll land up...feeling sad about though(guess I'm to sentimental with what I LOVE!!!)

But this new phone is so the very cool lor....It's also the first time me having a black phone.
First was the Nokia 3310 (dark blue) and Nokia 3650 (dark blue).

I so didn't brag my new phone in college...from 1-10 of bragging level...I will give myself...hmmmm....4...damn it's bad enough! keke

My dear Blogging GURU....when are you getting your new phone? then we can together brag..haha...damn I'm evil.

L-O-V-E my new phone!
M-I-S-S my old phone...

what dilemma...

Addicted to Blogspot!

Saturday, August 12, 2006

I can't believe I'm actually reading my friends blog because I usually don't do all this. But this friend has a blog that just pulls me into it....lots of complains this person has. haha *she's my blogging GURU* thanks wei...still owe you one

Being a blogger, since April's been fast since I blogged 20+ post....wahahaha...*stupid bragging*.

By the way, today I totally forgot about my dental appointment and got scolded by the orthodontist in a later appointment on the same day...Stupid doctor....I was only late once ALRIGHT!!!

Haha..I change my rubberbands color because of come see my teeth...keke...

its late...gotta sleep and get up to study/practice accounting because trial exam is on Monday...:'(

!~>*Motorola & Waffle*<~!

Monday, August 07, 2006

Things really get more obvious & common when I really start to like it. Today was a good example where my new found favorite is a common share of the environment I'm in. Am I the outdated one or is it the "in thing"?

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(early that morning with Izzat's cap...look fat right? It's because of my big shirt actually =p)

First was the waffle I've crazily craze during lunch time but it took me ages to get it as I waited for it. Then as I go to Mandy, my dear friends accidentally ordered an extra mushroom rice and I "had" to eat it. So my waffle was taken back along with me to college & I ate it in class. Then I saw my classmate eating waffle also. Syah was saying "other people are crazy for it huh"

Then later in the day I was telling friends that I'm intrigued with the Motorola Razr, and when I was at the library in the evening....There's 3 people within a 3 meter square area holding the same phone; holding it (call or play...doesn't matter)

I'm like...DAMN IT, it just have to spoil my dream, but I got another phone in target but I'll leave as a secret...mua ha ha.

I hope this common interest really stops because it's just gets more weird by the day.

A book not to be read....

Sunday, August 06, 2006

(Typed with my sub-concious mind)

Can't believe I said the wrong things today...
I wonder how am I to face the next few days in life?

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(Lost soul)

I'm starting to really see myself as a lost soul on Earth, neglected by wanted and disturbed by the unwanted. Everyday in life I start my day by putting a mask (especially days at college) because I have to please both friends and people I secretly hate deep in me somewhere.

I believe that I put more knives at peoples back compared to what I have behind me.
Why do I do that? to please the parties I mix with who contradicts at some part of life.

By the way, my health check results came up good!!! It's only that my uric acid is a little high and that I'm slightly overweight.

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(my ultrasound picture.. )

You readers will think I'm an insecure person...well I'm starting to think I actually am.
Playing Jekyl & Hyde really gets me going in life and I actually enjoyed some....but not tonight.

FEATURE Entry: *Kayal Layak*

Friday, August 04, 2006

Yes, this gal is qualified to be on my feature entry for this month (though I know it's early of the month still).

Hmmm, I'll start of with the bright side of this gal...
She's a gal who can be a lawyer someday, we "bertikam lidah" a lot almost everyday until that I'll feel that my day isn't complete if I haven't argue with her. As what people say, "defense is the best offence"...this gal her really know how to defend what she believes in. She also remember her mother land so much...she comes to college barefoot before (I've seen people lying down to protest but walking around barefoot?hmm...must be effects of the petrol price hike)

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(that ain't drinking...that's called straw indulging)

She has a sidekick next to her, some super blur gal who loves cucumber. They get along so well with their fashion style at some point.

Though she lack the command of Bahasa Malaysia and "malu" to play bowling, she's still the gal who you won't find bored in any situation. But she'll play soon...haha

What else about this cili padi? cheerleader captain along Sarah Tan where their main mission is to train newbies as the college's marketing director is SO into this cheerleading.

The best part is, I GOT HER INTO a study group. Though we didn't really do a lot but I hope there's a lot more we can achieve out of it.

There' you go people, miss fish hook (mata kail)...oops, that was first how I remember to pronounce her name. She's a gal that rocks...She a must if there's ecstasy!

Daniel & Daniela

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Is my name that so very the common?

See, I have to use broken English to describe how weird it feels. I got to know Andrea's friend who I tried to woo but she had a boyfriend which was fine by all means. But suddenly she said I have the same English name as her boyfriend and almost the same Chinese name which Goh Ee Seang. I'm sad the fact she's occupied but, if she's single? I highly doubt she'll date a guy with the same name as her'll sound so weird

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On the other hand, in name has been girly-fied into Daniela...which Malaysian pronounce Daniel la (la is the Manglish slang)...haha. Damn...It's also damn common in college. Well, Daniel is from the Bible and I'm always proud having this name although there are much cooler English names.
