Because of You...Keranamu

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

tanah tumpahnya darahku,
rakyat hidup bersatu dan maju,
rahmat bahagia Tuhan kurniakan,
Raja kita selamat bertakhta,
rahmat bahagia Tuhan kurniakan,
Raja kita selamat bertakhta

It's typed out okay readers...not copy paste wan ok...haha
but I was unsure of the spelling of "bertakhta" so I checked and Wikipedia to compare,

Some other websties spelled it as "bertahta"
kinda confused bout it...keke

okok..back to the main point of the special post which is dedicated to the land that I've lived on for 17 years and 9 months...Its been kind to me so far despite the downside of it such as the crime rate.

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Songs were sang during high school days and we as students were patriotic decorating our school and class. I still remember the days where we even painted the colours of the Malaysia flag on the fan. It was so nice singing and shouting "Jalur Gemilang","Merdeka" and "KeranaMu" during assembly (coz we don't know the rest of the lyrics...haha). The patriotic days was on for years, it happened for a reason and that reason is to build a patriotic community. Those were the days...I really miss it!

As for college this year...Man college students aren't patriotic at all... even the college, it wasn't well decorated (what a shame!!!) They only put up flags at the front gate and only ONE lecturer hang the flag in his room. Other than that, it's just another month in college. How sad...

Anyways...Happy Independence Day Malaysia!!! it's alsmost 50 years!!!! but this year is 49 years la...haha. 31% off on Baskin Robbin ice-cream!!!! go get it kayz!!!haha

Coincidently...this is my 31st post for my blog...haha....


Uthaya Sankar SB said...

I share the same feeling with you about the absence of Jalur Gemilang in the college.

On 30 August 2006, I was hoping to see some real spirit during the "Merdeka Food Baazar" but what I saw was food - and fruit - but not "Merdeka".

For the record, it's not true that there were no other events for Merdeka. The Final Project Display on 23 August 2006 was specially for the Merdeka Month; the students got a chance to know Tan Cheng Lock, Yap Ah Loy etc better.

(This is important in a time when Komala Devi and Khoo Kay Kim say that those 'individuals' need not be mentioned because 'the younger generation are not interested'.)

Anyway, congratulations on your postings -- the 31, eh? But does the one before this for *H* count? he he he.

Usiaku 49
Aku semakin dilupa
Jiwaku kecewa
Masa depanku entah bagaimana
Namun aku tidak lupa
pada generasi muda

Bahasaku Malaysia
Bangsaku Malaysia
Namaku Merdeka

Asstounding kukubird said...

thank you thank you you're far too kind...haha....

Anonymous said...

wa...curi ppl's lines..lolz

Asstounding kukubird said...

haha...tak leh ke?

Anonymous said...

Jay-Z punya.........

