Daniel & Daniela

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Is my name that so very the common?

See, I have to use broken English to describe how weird it feels. I got to know Andrea's friend who I tried to woo but she had a boyfriend which was fine by all means. But suddenly she said I have the same English name as her boyfriend and almost the same Chinese name which Goh Ee Seang. I'm sad the fact she's occupied but, if she's single? I highly doubt she'll date a guy with the same name as her ex....it'll sound so weird

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On the other hand, in college...my name has been girly-fied into Daniela...which Malaysian pronounce Daniel la (la is the Manglish slang)...haha. Damn...It's also damn common in college. Well, Daniel is from the Bible and I'm always proud having this name although there are much cooler English names.

1 comment:

Uthaya Sankar SB said...

Wei, Daniel-lah! I'm confused now. Is "Daniel" your English name or your Christian name? Please make it clear; at least to me. Thanks.

