Still sharp shooting (3S)

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Man, its been ages since I played a futsal match at the court area across my living area till my heart beats faster before the match starts. It's no special game but its a daily game where guys prove themselves worthy people though gals ain't watching. I was finally in a steady team with my old skul buddy Garrett. was so tensing, I lack the skills already since everyone is improving so much. At least I'm still sharp in front of goal..keke, don't mind how many I scored but I still scored. Left footer is improving very much and my right foot is badly slacking.

Well, I'm off to game soon...haha...why did I blog this? hmmm, someone got bored and need to read something. Adding to that, it's just for's been awhile since I blog about soccer...haha.


Anonymous said...

who's da someone? hehe...well i read dis when i was bored least my comment din include any crabs though...(dont take dat in a twisted way u perv)..LOL

Asstounding kukubird said...

damn u la sum1 special...anda miang la...penyibuk

Anonymous said...

dont syok sendiri!!!

Asstounding kukubird said...

dotsandstripes: out your frenz all then we go play 2gether 1day in really play la...don wan dose screaming gals wan...
yes la nice gal..keke...

