When I Least Suspect It...

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Hmmm, I started of my day today by waking up of course but when I was in the car waiting for my sister before she go to school, my mind drifted as I look at the clear sky...

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I couldn't get a short shut eye as I do every morning...so I decide to take pictures with my mom and sister.

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(keke...acting macho next to sis)
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(haha...my mom...)

Then I spend my usual morning talking to my brother Joel then I had off for my college magazine work with Editor Sarah. But before that, my mind was still drifting and I thought of this song...

"I know you're shining down on me from heaven"

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I couldn't believe that it took me almost three hours to compile everything for Random magazine...from cover page till the end. Took a break in between though, went for a quick lunch then came back to work with a stomach ache. Sarah and I finished work around 2p.m. and we head to 5th floor to get things print.

While getting this printed, we head to Summit to watch a movie "THE WICKER MAN" led by Nicholas Cage, damn it was a SICK movie....guys....don't watch it with a gal that you're about to dump k....haha(you'll get yourself killed)
[o ya...Sarah...thanks for the Coke and the ticket k, didn't expect that...thanks lots!!! very the generous Editor]

After the movies, we bumped into Joel and Ryan, they dragged us to bowling...haha...I tell you...NO ONE was at the bowling alley. *BOREDOM*

Not long after that, Sarah and I head back to college to see our work. I compiled all the new material again and properly. Working with Kathy and gang up there is so much fun, so much jokes. Love the environment there and hope they won't shift off when the new Damansara campus opens.

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